Uttar Pradesh – Vikas Ki Pratiksha Mein
Uttar Pradesh is very Important in the political landscape of India. Uttar Pradesh is the route to the governments at the center, with 80 Loksabha seats. With 22 Crore strong human resources, only five countries in the world exceeds UP’s population. But in last 15 years (2002-2017), massive mis-governance and corruption by two regional parties in the state, has crippled the state.
After detailed research, travel in the hinterlands of the state, talking to bureaucrats, leaders & shooting a barrage of RTIs, the author has written this book in hindi detailing the developmental challenges of Uttar Pradesh, in the area of education, health, business, roads, power, agriculture, law and order etc. Book becomes even more important in light of upcoming Uttar Pradesh assembly elections in 2017